
Below are the current officers of Five Rivers Morris. Officers are elected at the AGM at the beginning of each practice season in September and serve for a year. For previous years’ officers, please see our team history.

Squire – Simon Whitbread
Simon is a founding member of Five Rivers Morris. He has been dancing morris since he was a young child, when he started with Shakespeare Morris. A previous Foreman of the side, his novel programme of morris-aerobics were not popular.

Foremen – Ray Cunningham
Ray previously danced with Colchester Morris and joined Five Rivers when he moved to Sheffield for University. He has also been Squire for two years. We think yelling about our lines is why he was so keen to become Foreman.

Bagman – Rich Chell
The least glamorous but most important job of Bagman currently sits with Big Rich. Not to be confused with Swedish Rich, Grenoside Rich or Rich A. We currently have a moratorium on anyone called Rich joining the side.

Treasurer – Darren Yendley
Darren sorts the money. Only occasionally has to resort to sending the boys round.